Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson (PTA), narrated by Ricky Jay, and starring Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise, Philip Baker Hall, Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, Julianne Moore, John C. Reilly, Jason Robards in his last feature film appearance, and Melora Walters. The film is a mosaic of interrelated characters in search of happiness, forgiveness, and meaning in the San Fernando Valley.
Magnolia was a critical success. Of the ensemble cast, Tom Cruise was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 72nd Academy Awards, and won the award in the same category at the Golden Globes of 2000. Anderson has stated, "I really feel... That Magnolia is, for better or worse, the best movie I'll ever make."
Originally, Anderson had wanted to make a film that was "intimate and small-scale", something that he could shoot in 30 days. He had the title of "Magnolia" in his head before he wrote the script. As he started writing, the script "kept blossoming" and he realized that there were many actors he wanted to write for and then decided to put "an epic spin on topics that don't necessarily get the epic treatment". He wanted to "make the epic, the all-time great San Fernando Valley movie" (Wikipedia).
Surprisingly or not, PTA is from the SFV who was raised in Studio City and now calls Tarzana home. In each of his films, he attempts to use the SFV for his filming locations when possible which makes him a "keeping it real" type of guy if that sentence makes sense. Its probably no coincidence that his first major film, Boogie Nights (filming locations here) was about porn in the 70's and 80's which was based in the SFV. This is one of the few great movies about the SFV like Valley Girl and 2 Days In The Valley which put the SFV on the map and continued with Magnolia which I deeply respect and appreciate PTA's work for constantly recognizing the SFV.
The locations of this film have already been found at other wonderful websites and this post wouldnt be possible without their excellent research so please check them out which also include non-SFV locations.
You can view more SFV filming locations here. Note: there are other locations used in the film that I have not been able to find but look like the SFV like Earl Partridge's home played by Jason Robards that looks like an Encino or Sherman Oaks home in addition to some street scenes. If you are aware of any of the locations, please comment below.
Not an actual filming location but love how the "Valley" section of the LA Times is shown below on the coffee table. The LA Times no longer publishes a "Valley" section.
Police Office Jim Kurring investigates a disturbance and finds a dead body at the Parthenia Court Apartments 15150 Parthenia Street North Hills CA 91343.
Not sure of this location but I believe that child prodigy Stanely Spector films What Do Kids Know? TV show at NBC Studios at 3000 W Alameda Avenue Burbank CA 91523.
Not sure of this location but looks like a typical apartment in the SFV. The address shown at the apartment is "12601" but I cant match this with any known addresses and its possible that these numbers were purposely placed for the film. Office Jim Kurring meets Claudia Wilson Gator at her apartment.
Officer Jim Kurring takes fire during a pursuit and loses his gun at 4055 Tujunga Blvd Studio City CA 91604.
The driving and ambulance scenes are the intersection of Laurel Canyon Blvd and Victory Blvd near the Valley Plaza.
Linda Partridge is taken by ambulance to the hospital when all of sudden frogs come raining down near the Best Western Plus Mikado Hotel 12600 Riverside Drive North Hollywood CA 91607. The actual hospital building has been demolished.
"Quiz Kid" Donnie Smith breaks into the Solomon & Solomon store and where the frogs rain is located at La Popular Appliances 7222 Reseda Blvd Reseda CA 91335 which is right around the corner from the locations used for Boogie Nights.
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Unknown - Tuesday, December 31, 2013
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